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NG911 Interstate Playbooks: Case Studies in Collaboration, Coordination and Joint Purchasing

Published Sep 8, 2020
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PSAPs, states and jurisdictions around the country are determining optimal ways to interconnect and move NG911 forward, but they don’t have to do it alone. Best practices, real lessons learned and sample documents have been collected in a series of NG911 Interstate Playbook chapters since 2016. The latest chapters – 3 and 4 – follow new jurisdictions and the unique challenges and opportunities each experienced to achieve interoperable NG911 systems. Join this webinar to hear from the leaders involved in creating each chapter.

Chapter 3 focuses on the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG) region. Representatives from Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia will discuss the steps and processes to collectively plan and independently procure an integrated, interoperable regional solution for NG Core Services and an ESInet (Emergency Services Internet Protocol network).

Chapter 4 takes a deeper dive into the transition of NG911 services in Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota. Each state, at a different stage of implementation and transition, is approaching NG911 in a way that meets their unique needs. Representatives will share tips for testing between two different ESInet providers, lessons on decommissioning and retiring of legacy network elements, methods for reviewing your current status and rules to determine legislative authority readiness.