Current Projects
The National 911 Program is actively engaged in numerous efforts to coordinate information and develop useful tools to help 911 leaders and jurisdictions improve emergency communications services across the nation. Below are highlights of some of the Program’s most recent projects.
911 DataPath
The five goals of the 911 DataPath Strategic Plan describe a future where data can be exchanged at all levels of the nation’s 911 systems.
CAD Interoperability
This project assessed the state of disparate computer-aided dispatch systems across the U.S. to develop solutions and strategies for creating interoperability between 911 centers nationwide.
Federal 911 Funding
Explore the numerous federal grants and financial assistance opportunities that support improving emergency communications across the country.
GIS in 911
This project evaluated current geographic information systems (GIS) data-sharing capabilities in 911 centers to offer strategies for meeting common challenges.
NG911 for Public Safety Leaders
Next Generation 911 (NG911) provides the ability to share voice and data-rich information that will improve first responders' ability to save lives, ensure responder safety and protect property.
NG911 Interoperability
Interoperability is not a new challenge in emergency communications, but it’s one the 911 community continues to address. Find out more about this work at the National, State and local level.
Additional Projects
Since 2012, the National 911 Program has partnered with the National Conference of State Legislatures to create a searchable online database of 911 legislation.
The National 911 Program continues to work closely with other federal agencies and national associations to provide current, accurate information about coronavirus and other emerging diseases to 911 personnel.
CPR LifeLinks is a national initiative to help communities save more lives through the implementation of telecommunicator and high-performance CPR programs.
The five primary goals of the Next Generation 911 Roadmap identify what must be done at the national level to achieve a fully integrated NG911 “system of systems.”
This easy-to-use readiness checklist is designed to help PSAP/ECC administrators evaluate their system’s NG911 maturity and understand the next steps in rolling out NG911.
The National 911 Program collaborates with public and private representatives to articulate and advance the connection between Next Generation 911 and Emergency Responder Broadband Networks.