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NG911 Self-Assessment Tool

Assessing progress toward full Next Generation 911 (NG911) implementation can be a challenge as state offices, 911 authorities, emergency communications centers (ECC), and public safety answering points (PSAPs) strive to identify and communicate key milestones in the multi-year transition process.

In response to this challenge, the SAFECOM National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (NCSWIC) NG911 Working Group commenced work on the development of a dynamic NG911 Self-Assessment Tool for use by state, regional and local PSAP and emergency communication center leadership.

Download the NG911 Self-Assessment Tool

What is the Self-Assessment Tool?

The Tool is a detailed, easy-to-use NG911 readiness checklist that is intended to help ECC/PSAP administrators and oversight personnel evaluate a system’s NG911 maturity state and understand the next steps necessary to continue NG911 deployment progress.

Why should 911 system leaders use the Tool to assess NG911 progress?

ECC/PSAP leadership can use the Tool to strengthen their understanding of NG911 elements, increase awareness of the NG911 maturity continuum – a model utilized as part of the national NG911 Cost Study – to assist in planning NG911 transition steps and enable a consistent terminology for NG911 maturity.

How does it work? What information does it require?

After identifying whether the 911 agency using the Tool is an ECC/PSAP, a state, regional, or local entity, the user answers questions regarding the functions and capabilities of their 911 system. The Tool translates the answers to these questions into one of six maturity states: Legacy, Foundational, Translational, Intermediate, Jurisdictional End State or National End State.

How is the information gathered in the Tool shared or used?

Because the Tool is downloaded and results are not collected online or in a shared database, it is solely for 911 agency leadership to use for their own internal purposes. Adopting and sharing the Tool’s terminology will allow for improved communication – with vendors, industry colleagues, elected officials and others – at the user’s discretion.

How can I get started?

Download the tool and begin completing the requested fields. The Tool will take approximately 1 hour to complete and will identify the maturity state for each of the covered NG911 topics and present an overall NG911 maturity state. The Tool can help to assess progress using industry-recognized terminology and updating the Tool over time can help to track progress toward NG911 maturity.

Instructions, definitions and additional resources are available within the Tool to help guide users through each step. Users must enable macros for the Excel file to function as intended and can use the matrix to document individual feedback on the Tool and resources.

Download the Fact Sheet

Video: NG911 Self-Assessment Tool Demonstration

Video Thumbnail

For additional information on the group and its NG911 transition resources, please visit SAFECOM’s Transition to Next Generation 911 page.

Last Updated: 02/17/2023