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Using Supplemental 911 Location Data to Improve Emergency Response

Published Jul 19, 2019
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A 911 caller’s location is considered the most critical piece of information required to properly route the call and provide emergency response in a timely fashion. Location information will continue to improve as emergency communications improve, but what is available today? This webinar shares supplemental location tools available now and how they help 911 better locate callers.

One such tool this webinar discusses is a new resource, “ Recommended Best Practices for Supplemental 911 Location Data,” that:

  • Describes how supplemental 911 location data is provided to PSAPs

  • Compares those processes to the way location information is provided by traditional 911 call processes

  • Recommends a set of best practices to guide the development, delivery and use of supplemental 911 location data

Speakers Include:

  • Jeff Robertson, General Manager for Public Safety, RapidSOS (Representing iCERT)

  • John Snapp, VP of Technology, Carrier Services, West Safety (Representing iCERT)

  • Jim Lake, Director, Charleston County Consolidated 9-1-1 Center