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How Nationwide 911 Data and Strategic Plans Can Improve Emergency Communications at the State and Local Levels

Published Apr 11, 2017
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Each year, state 911 administrators collect and share enormous amounts of data about PSAP operations, funding, NG911 progress and more. Presenters share insights about how state leaders can use data from the 2016 National 911 Progress Report to benefit state and local operations.

States can use the progress report to compare their activity and progress with states around the country, provide state 911 boards with an update on the state of 911 across the nation, educate elected state and local officials and initiate discussion with local PSAPs on matters of mutual interest.

The presenters also share the results of an effort to support the creation of state strategic plans to enhance land mobile radio, 911 and broadband systems. The five participating states in the effort developed a brief highlighting the lessons learned during the planning process in order to help other states improve their emergency communications.

Speakers Include:

  • Ev Bailey, Executive Director, National Association of State 911 Administrators

  • Michael Garcia, Policy Analyst, Homeland Security and Public Safety Division, National Governors Association’s Center for Best Practices

  • Captain Douglas McCleve, Utah State Police

  • Gordy Coles, Statewide Interoperability Coordinator, Utah