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Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Opportunity Information

The SBIR program is a congressionally mandated small business set-aside designed to stimulate technological innovation and foster small business and private sector commercialization of innovations derived from federal Research and Development.

View Application

The SBIR program is a congressionally mandated small business set-aside designed to stimulate technological innovation and foster small business and private sector commercialization of innovations derived from federal Research and Development.

Program Amount

Up to $150,000

Application Deadline

1/15/2021; Additional application periods to be announced


Each grant proposal was evaluated on relevance of the specific concept as it relates to SBIR topics


Funds research to develop new processes, products, and technologies in support of the missions of the U.S. Government

Research and Development

Consist of topics relevant to the NG911 Multimedia Content Analysis Engine Capability for the Emergency Communications Cyber Security Center; Remote Sensor Data Protection and Anti-Spoofing; Digital Paging over Public Television; Soft Targets and Crowded Places Security; In- building Coverage Analysis System (ICAS) Using Existing First Responder’s Radio and Smartphone; Handheld Advanced Detection/Imaging Technology System; Enhanced Explosives and Illicit Drugs Detection by Targeted Interrogation of Surfaces; Urban Canyon Detection Tracking and Identification of Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles; Machine Learning Module for Detection Technologies; Innovative Technologies for Next Generation of Sample Collection Media; Development and Evaluation of Nucleic Acid-Based Assays to Accelerate Biohazard Detection

NOFO Language

Identify a commercially viable technical design to process, analyze, and share multimedia video sent from 911 callers; augment the 911 Telecommunicator function by reducing burden and workload and to efficiently share relevant multimedia content with emergency responders.


NG911 technology is mentioned in this year’s SBIR topics; investments may support integrating artificial intelligence into NG911 systems to assist in responding to 911 voice calls and incorporating multimedia into 911 call processing