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Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP)

Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

Opportunity Information

HPP purpose is to strengthen and enhance the acute care medical surge capacity through the maintenance and growth of strong health care coalitions. The goals of health care preparedness and response capabilities include: 1) Foundation for Health Care and Medical Readiness; 2) Health Care and Medical Response Coordination; 3) Continuity of Health Care Service Delivery; and 4) Medical Surge.

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HPP purpose is to strengthen and enhance the acute care medical surge capacity through the maintenance and growth of strong health care coalitions. The goals of health care preparedness and response capabilities include: 1) Foundation for Health Care and Medical Readiness; 2) Health Care and Medical Response Coordination; 3) Continuity of Health Care Service Delivery; and 4) Medical Surge.

Program Amount

Up to $231,500,000

Application Deadline

5/3/2019*; non-competitive continuation of funding opportunities available for recipients


Cooperative agreement is awarded to states or consortium of states with 10% matching requirement

*FY 2021 funding was not posted at the time of publishing this list. Check the program website for details on new funding opportunities.

Eligible Applicants

State, county, city, or township, and special district governments


Funds to build acute care medical surge capacity


Staff to assist with planning, training, and exercises


Engage emergency communications stakeholders in planning; develop assessments and inventories


Develop, deliver, attend, and evaluate training and exercises

NOFO Language

HHS recommended a tiered strategy for improving capabilities in Tier 1, Public Health Preparedness Capabilities, which include: Responder Safety and Health; Emergency Operations Coordination; Emergency Public Information and Warning; and Information Sharing. Examples of information sharing systems that contribute to the incident common operating picture include but are not limited to the following: bed tracking systems, emergency medical services information systems, health alert networks, patient tracking systems, 911 call centers and systems, web-enabled emergency management communications systems, and credentialing systems.


HPP recipients should consider integrating NG911 implementation into emergency operations coordination and information sharing systems.