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Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Community Policing Development (CPD)

Department of Justice (DOJ)

Opportunity Information

CPD program advances the practice of community policing in law enforcement agencies through the development and testing of innovative strategies; building knowledge about effective practices and outcomes; and supporting new, creative approaches to preventing crime and promoting safe communities.

View Application

CPD program advances the practice of community policing in law enforcement agencies through the development and testing of innovative strategies; building knowledge about effective practices and outcomes; and supporting new, creative approaches to preventing crime and promoting safe communities.

Program Amount

FY 2021 program amount to be announced

Application Deadline

FY 2021 application period to be announced


Awards or cooperative agreements granted to projects related to public safety topics

Eligible Applicants

Local, state, and tribal law enforcement agencies


Funds are used to develop the capacity of law enforcement to implement community policing strategies


Law enforcement


Travel-related costs


Technology, supplies

NOFO Language

The COPS Office is aware that some rural communities have limited financial and technological resources to train their law enforcement personnel, often extending beyond the availability of equipment, and that funding constraints can make it impracticable to send officers and deputies to attend quality training as travel costs alone can take a toll on a small agency’s budget.


While NG911 is not specifically mentioned, CPD recipients may integrate NG911 activities into planning related to community policing through partnerships, organizational management and systems, and problem- solving techniques to develop and test innovative systems.