911 Grant Program Application Review Underway

The National 911 Program and NTIA prepare to make awards
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) have begun reviewing applications for the 911 Grant Program. In September 2018, states and territories were asked to submit an application of intent to apply for the grants. Those that were eligible and met the criteria submitted a complete application in early April.
The 911 Grant Program provides federal funding nationwide to help 911 call centers upgrade equipment and operations for easier, more interoperable communications for emergency response coordination. These funds must be used for NG911 implementation, such as:
Hardware or software to provide NG911 services
Hosted NG911 services
Contractual costs of carrying out programmatic activities, including consultant fees
Training of NG911 for public safety personnel
Administration and Planning (10 percent maximum)
Operation of the NG911 system while still operating the legacy 911 system 911 Grant
The 911 Grant Program is a non-competitive, formula-based grant program, and the specific evaluation criteria are outlined in the Notice of Funding Opportunity.
The funding available to states, territories and tribal organization totals $109,250,000, and allocations are based on a formula based on ratios of population and public road mileage. Additionally, each state will receive a minimum grant award of $500,000, while territories will receive a minimum of $250,000.
As a federal funding program, the 911 Grant Program will fund 60% of the total project costs, and applicants must contribute the other 40% to the project they intend to complete.
For more detailed information, visit the 911 Grant Program webpage, read the Frequently Asked Questions or watch a recorded webinar.